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Free Earth Day Vocabulary Activity for All Grade Levels

The Earth Day Vocabulary Activity is a great way to connect vocabulary instruction, art, and the environment. 

With my printable worksheet, students will draw their favorite landscape, but actually “draw” it by writing vocabulary words in shapes. And while you can remind students, that a picture is worth a thousand words, they only have to use about 10-20 vocabulary words in their design.


With my printable worksheet, students will draw their favorite landscape, but actually “draw” it by writing vocabulary words in shapes. And while you can remind students, that a picture is worth a thousand words, they only have to use about 10-20 vocabulary words in their design.

The vocabulary words they use to draw the various elements in the landscape should reflect their meaning. Drawing their words to reflect their meaning is the fun/tough part for students!

For example, trees are large and solid so students would draw trees in their landscape with vocabulary words that mean large and also dependable.

Underneath their artwork, students will fill out a legend with explanations of why they chose the words they did for each object in their landscape.

Sometimes this may be obvious, but by having to repeat the vocabulary word again and justify it in an explanation helps reinforce the meaning (and if it’s not quite right, they can explain their thinking explicitly, so we don’t have to guess).

Celebrate Earth Day in your classroom and print the Earth Day Vocabulary Activity now. Download includes examples and student worksheets for elementary and upper grade levels.

Celebrate Earth Day in your classroom and print the Earth Day Vocabulary Activity now. Download includes examples and student worksheets for elementary and upper grade levels.

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