Preparation for a new year of religious education classes is an opportunity to reflect and build on the successes of previous years, integrate new initiatives, and provide...
Set the tone with students and teachers for a new year of Religious Education. Use this printable Beginning the School Year Prayer Service with one class, or an entire...
As the children in your home or parish prepare for the celebration of Halloween in their schools and neighborhoods, take the opportunity to draw connections between this...
Multiple and alternative models of catechesis go beyond traditional models to meet the varied needs of modern Catholic families and today’s parishes. This article takes a...
In this article, we'll explore how the flipped classroom approach may benefit families and children in your school's or parish's education program, including opportunities...
During the season of Ordinary Time, we learn about the saints. Saints are followers of Jesus Christ who lived lives of holiness on earth and who now share in eternal life...
Often, educators, parents, and caregivers struggle with what they should say or share with young children when trauma or tragedy transpires. This can be especially difficult...
STREAM is an acronym for a uniquely Catholic interdisciplinary approach. In this acronym, each letter stands for a discipline: S – science; T – technology; R – religion; E –...
A new calendar year has begun. Each year, its arrival presents an opportunity for self-examination. Resolutions reflect those areas in our lives we want to improve. We can...
Feast Days provide catechists and parents with a wonderful opportunity to introduce children to Catholic saints. In this article, you’ll discover a short biography and free...
During the slower paced summer months, consider participating in a Scripture mini course entitled Catholics and the Bible. This twelve-part series of articles with embedded...
In this article, catechists and teachers will discover how to use lectio and visio divina in catechesis and during sacramental preparation. This simple lectio divina guide...
During the seasons of Lent and Easter, after many weeks of preparation, it is common to see excited children and young people celebrating two momentous sacramental moments...
In the wake of a terrorist attack or tragedy, Catholics of all ages may seek answers to help make sense of the acts of violence and hatred. For children, the complexities of...
Natural disasters are events that are outside of human control, caused by forces of nature. Natural disasters strike all over the world, and result in harm to people and to...
Engage parishioners of all ages with a special, summer-themed event. The Gather in the Garden Summer Scripture Event is a seasonal event designed for summertime whole parish...
Being an effective catechist requires constant prayer, and it is the responsibility of families and catechists to teach others to pray, through both example and instruction....
The start of a new year of Religious Education is an opportunity not only to form students in the faith but also to form catechists! Volunteer catechists that will begin to...
Download a special retreat designed to help young people understand the seven themes of Catholic social teaching and how to integrate these into their lives. The retreat,...