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July 2, 2024 REL Asset - Activity, REL Catechetical - K–6, REL Catechetical - Jr High, REL Topic - Catechesis, REL Asset - Prayer Card, REL Catechetical - Intergenerational

Celebrating Grandparents and the Elderly

In this article we'll explore ways Catholic kids and families honor and nurture relationships with senior citizens in their families and communities and can celebrate the second World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly on July 28. It contains lots of activity suggestions and prayer resources to support celebration efforts and strengthen intergenerational family faith. 


World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

The second celebration of the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly instituted by Pope Francis will take place this summer on July 28. An annual celebration that began in 2021, it will take place each year on the fourth Sunday in July.  

This day is an opportunity to honor the experience and wisdom of the elderly and the important role of passing on and preserving the Catholic faith through generations. The second theme for this special day is from the Psalms: "In old age they will still bear fruit" (Psalm 92:15). The theme is an invitation to reflect on the blessing and gift that inevitable old age presents to us. In the Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the Second World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, Pope Francis likens old age to a season of "enduring fruitfulness." The theme and the celebrations are a call to grandchildren and Catholic young people to be an active part of grandparents’ lives and for grandparents and older people to be evangelists and support grandchildren and young Catholics in their faith. Pope Francis has emphasized how important grandparents are to family life. 

The second theme for this special day is from the Psalms: "In old age they will still bear fruit" (Psalm 92:15). The theme is an invitation to reflect on the blessing and gift that inevitable old age presents to us.

The global population is aging, and older people are a growing demographic group in society in many countries. By 2050, a report projects that 1 in 6 people in the world will be older than 65 (United Nations, 2019). As Catholics, we believe that every human person is precious, and that all life is sacred and must be protected. During a pandemic that has disproportionately impacted the elderly, many senior citizens have been lonely and isolated. Across the world, so many seniors were sick from or lost to the virus. The events of the past years and the World Day Grandparents and the Elderly is a reminder for all families to honor and celebrate grandparents and the elderly, personally and as a society. This day encourages Catholics to prioritize care for the elderly with reverence for the gifts this generation offers and the "enduring fruitfulness" they can share with all of us and the Church.

The Patron Saints of Grandparents 

It is no coincidence that the date of the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly falls near the feast day of Saints Anne and Joachim, celebrated on July 26. Anne and Joachim are honored as the parents of Mary, Mother of God, and Jesus’ grandparents. When angels told them that God would bless them with a child who would be known throughout the world, Anne and Joachim placed their trust and faith in God. As Jesus’ grandparents, they are the patron saints of grandparents.  

Invite children and families to complete a special craft about the ways parents and grandparents pass on their faith to their children and grandchildren. This printable activity sheet inspired by Saints Anne and Joachim include strips of paper for kids to make a “chain of faith” during celebrations for the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly and the feast day of Saints Anne and Joachim. 

Celebrating World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

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Connecting Across Generations

Here is some inspiration that Catholic kids and families can use as they prepare to celebrate the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly and to build connections across generations with grandparents and the elderly. 

Befriend an Elder 

As restrictions about visiting the elderly are lifted around the world, families have an opportunity to spend quality time with loved ones and with new friends. Reach out to elderly neighbors or parish members in friendship and make regular efforts to get to know them. They might benefit from a helping hand, but an intergenerational friendship will benefit everyone involved. 

Share Stories and Rituals 

The telling of stories plays a big role in the passing on of faith in the home. Encourage families to engage in rituals of faith by sharing stories together with some guidance from The Role of Storytelling and Ritual in Passing on Faith in the Family Faith Fact which provides support in reflecting on and discussing family stories that pass on the faith. 


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Spread Cheer and Gratitude

Provide art materials and blank cards for children to write or draw something to share with the elderly. Invite children to craft their own messages and designs or provide guidance in writing a message of thanks and care. Give finished cards to a grandparents, older relatives, or elderly neighbors. Or mail or drop cards to a local senior center or assisted living facility where the staff can distribute them to elderly people. 

Seek and Share Wisdom

Invite Catholic kids to interview a grandparent or an elderly person in the parish community about his or her faith. There is so much to be learned from the rich life experience and the mature faith of the elderly. Use the printable template in the Grand Gift of Wisdom Activity. Invite kids to share their interviews with others in their families or communities through a display, a booklet, celebration or a presentation. 

Grand Gift of Wisdom Activity

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Pray for and With Grandparents 

Pray for and with grandparents and the elderly during the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. Thank God for the gift of grandparents and ask his blessing on these special family members and friends with the Prayer for Grandparents Prayer Card


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In Summary

Nurture intergenerational care, respect, and evangelization on the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. As you share these resources in your parish, school, or home, answer Pope Francis' appeal to reach out to the elderly who may be alone and to build transformational friendships that will bear fruit across generations.