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Interactive Read Aloud of Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson

Written by Erin Lynch | Nov 16, 2018 11:53:00 PM

This Critical Thinking Interactive Read Aloud of Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson provides the thought-provoking questions essential to every interactive read aloud. Your students will soon be in deep discussions, ranging from plot analysis to author’s message exploration. 

Download the Interactive Read Aloud of Each Kindness now!

Printable Interactive Read Aloud of Each Kindness for K–5 Students

This interactive read aloud uses the book Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson. The first book I ever read by Jacqueline Woodson was The Other Side and I immediately became enamored with her work. Jacqueline writes about difficult topics for children to grasp in such an eloquent way and learners of all ages take away something from her books. Each Kindness teaches students that just one small act of kindness can have a big effect on someone. The message in this book is loud and clear; our actions can directly impact those around us. This Critical Thinking Interactive Read Aloud using Each Kindness is also a great book to use with SEL (Social Emotional Learning).

Interactive read alouds are an important component of a balanced literacy classroom. Research proves the value of reading aloud to students of all ages, and that students benefit from being read aloud to several times throughout a week. Thoughtful planning of an interactive read aloud is critical for its success. Teachers need to select a text that is both meaningful and engaging, and it is important to consider how the text will support lessons, units, or themes the class is working on. Thought-provoking questions are essential to every interactive read aloud. Using the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy Cognitive Dimensions is one way to ensure students will take part in a variety of discussions from understanding the plot of the story to analyzing the author's message.

About Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson

Chloe and her friends won't play with the new girl Maya. Eventually, Maya stops coming to school. Chloe's teacher then shows the class how even a small act of kindness can make a big difference .